The mission of 5G STEP FWD is to create a vibrant EU-based training and research environment for young European and international researchers, aiming at designing architectures, systems and algorithms for building the 5G cellular network of tomorrow.

18-21 Feb. 2020: Project Training Event takes place in Chalmers University-Sweden
The 4th ESR’s Project Training School takes place in Göteberg, hosted by Chalmers. School 3 "Passive optical networks: architectures, Media Access Control and Resource Allocation techniques" School 4 "Fiber-wireless (FiWi) access networks: Challenges and opportunities"
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5G STEP FWD proposes a new architecture that uses UDWDM PONs as the backhaul of mmWave networks in order to achieve high capacity and low latency backhauling. The proposed architecture takes full advantage of the ultra-narrow wavelength spacing of the UDWDM technology, in order to provide connectivity to a dense small-cell population. At the physical layer domain, 5G STEP FWD aims at providing a comprehensive framework based on a disruptive device- or user-centric cellular concept, which will allow smart overlaid peer-to-peer communications, while it will also optimally allocate small cells where the fiber goes. At the network layer domain, we envision the modelling and optimization of the 5G STEP FWD network resource usage through the incorporation of a Software-Defined-Network (SDN) framework, which integrates multiple wireless and backhaul resources into a single pool, and could play a key role in supporting multi-tenancy and enabling the network operation management and optimization. Moreover, the mission of 5G STEP FWD is to create a vibrant EU-based training and research environment for young European and international researchers, aiming at designing architectures, systems and algorithms for building the 5G cellular network of tomorrow.
Objectives of the Training Program:
- Receive a systematic and thorough knowledge of the key technologies and methodologies of mmWave wireless HetNets and next generation PON networks.
- Carry out effective research and development in the field of mmWave/PON.
- Comprehend the roles of project participants and the means by which they exploit their work.
- Grasp the complete cycle of research and development from initial research to the final product.
- Benefit from the offered integrated and network-wide training scheme that aims to improve conventional academic training through research, complementary activities and transferable skills.
- Become highly-competitive professional and research experts that are capable of joining either academia or industry and of leading large research projects related to 5G technologies and tools.
Objectives of the Research Program:
- Analyze, design and optimize new network architectures of mmWave HetNets by utilizing tools from stochastic geometry, random shape theory and communications theory.
- Analyze, design and optimize optical backhaul networks that provide connectivity to the huge number of small cells based on Quantum Dash Fabry Perot lasers, achieving ultra-small wavelength spacing.
- Analyze, design and optimize new transmission technologies, through the resourceful exploitation of the optical backhaul network and the efficient management of the network resources realised by the SDN framework.
The project consists of 9 partners from 5 countries of the European Union. It is very well balanced in terms of research – industry collaboration as the consortium comprises 5 universities/research institutes and 4 industry partners.
IQUADRAT Informática S.L. (Project Coordinator)
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
Telecommunications Technological Centre of Catalonia
Chalmers University of Technology
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Technical University of Eindhoven
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 722429.

18-21 Feb. 2020: Project Training Event takes place in Chalmers University-Sweden
The 4th ESR’s Project Training School takes place in Göteberg, hosted by Chalmers. School 3 "Passive optical networks: architectures, Media…
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Sep.2020: Final 5G STEP FWD Conference was held online.. The Final 5G STEP FWD Conference was held online from the 14th to 16th of September 2020 together with another…
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