Work Packages

WP1: mmWave Communications
  1. Main objectives
    1. State-of-the-art assessment of cell-based wireless access at mmWave frequencies,
    2. incorporation of energy-neutral mmWave cellular network design,
    3. development of novel optimization techniques for mmWave networks based on small cells,
    4. testbed experiments and assessment of flexible antenna arrays for mmWave communications.
  2. Deliverables
    1. State-of-the-art assessment of technologies for hyper dense mmWave networks
    2. Innovative energy-aware protocols for mmWave networks
    3. Innovative optimization schemes for hyper dense small-cell deployments
    4. Performance assessment of flexible antenna arrays for 5G networks
  3. WP1 leader: CNRS
WP2: UDWDM PON modelling
  1. Main objectives
    1. State-of-the-art assessment and acquisition of tools for analysis and design of WDM-PONs
    2. UDWDM PONs modeling and design
    3. New analytical tools development for network performance evaluation.
  2. Deliverables
    1. State-of-the-art of WDM-based PON design and modeling
    2. Innovative UDWDM-PONs design
    3. Performance assessment and optimization of UDWDM-PONs
  3. WP2 leader: KTH
WP3: Converged network implementation
  1. Main objectives
    1. State-of-the-art assessment and acquisition of tools for analysis and optimization of converged optical-wireless networks
    2. Design and evaluation of modulation techniques in the optical domain
    3. Development of novel resource allocation schemes and optimization techniques for the converged network
    4. Development of novel MAC protocols for the seamless wired-wireless communication
    5. Testbed experiments and assessment.
  2. Deliverables
    1. State-of-the-art assessment of 5G large-scale multiple-antenna technologies
    2. Innovative modulation techniques for mmWave UDWDM PONs
    3. Innovative MAC protocols and resource allocation optimization techniques for the converged mmWave-UDWDM PON
    4. Performance assessment of mmWave UDWDM PONs
  3. WP3 leader: TU/e
WP4: Training
  1. Main objectives
    to coordinate all training events of 5G STEP-FWD through the e-learning training tools setup and courses/seminars organization
  2. Deliverables
    Training activities accomplished per year
  3. WP4 leader: AUTH
WP5: Management
  1. Main objectives.
    Both administrative and scientific management of the project: i) project’s tasks, milestones and deliverables monitoring, ii) events and tasks organization, iii) management of resources, iv) IPRs & quality control management, and v) handling project’s internal conflicts vi)recruitment process
  2. Deliverables
    1. Consortium agreement
    2. Call for advertising vacancies
    3. Report for the recruitment process
    4. Management and quality assessment per year
  3. WP5 leader: IQUADRAT
WP6: Dissemination and Outreach
  1. Main objectives.
    to coordinate the activities regarding the dissemination of research achievements, to ensure the visibility of results to specialized and non-specialized communities and to promote the discernibility of standardization groups.
  2. Deliverables
    1. Dissemination, communication, public engagement, and standardization plans
    2. Dissemination, communication, public engagement and standardization per year activities
  3. WP6 leader: CTTC & OTE